A sampling of videos, including performances and táncházak.
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Bukovinai Székely
2017, Sept. 23 - New Brunswick, NJ. Toborzó: Észak-Amerikai Táncháztalálkozó (North American Hungarian Folkdance Gathering). Hungarian folk dances of the Székelys of Bukovina, performed by Marosy Gerda and Józsa Tamás (Hungary). Music by Sinkó András and Gyanta.
2013, July 7 - Washington, D.C. Dancers from Gyimes perform at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the Danubia Stage. The theme was Hungarian Heritage: Roots to Revival. The dancers, from Gyimesközéplok (Lunca de Jos), are André Csaba, André Irénke, Bodor Lóránt, and Simon Henrietta. Music by Szabolcs Molnar (hegedű) and Juhász Réka (vocals and gardon).
2013, June 27 - Washington, D.C. Csűrdöngölő Folk Ensemble performance at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the Danubia Stage. Choreography by Dezső Fitos and Enikő Kocsis. Music by Életfa.
2013, February 18 - Montréal, Québec. Táncház at 2:30 am on the last night of the Montreal Winter Workshop. Music by Tamás Nyitrai (hegedű), Péter Árendás (brácsa), Attila "Medve" Krasznai (bőgő), and Jozsi Horváth (hegedű).
2006, October 29 - Bethesda, MD. Hungarian folk dance from Transylvania. This performance by the Tisza Ensemble is mostly improvised.
2013, June 27 - Washington, D.C. Csűrdöngölő Folk Ensemble performance at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the Danubia Stage. Music by Életfa.
2012, Oct. 20 - New Brunswick, NJ. Csűrdöngölő Folk Ensemble performance before a táncház. Music by Életfa: Ildi (hegedű), Jake (hegedű), Joska (hegedű), Áron (brácsa), Raul (bőgő), and Heki (cimbalom).